The pneumatic anti-shock garment(PASG) is utilized to provide pressure around the lower extremities and abdomen.
It's made of thermoplastic urethane material. Modular three removable air chambers. Pressure gauges on each compartment and inflating pump. Includes carry case.
Mechanism of action may include:
1. Increase of blood pressure in the hypotensive patient through peripheral venous compression and auto transfusion of blood with upward displacement from lower extremities.
2. Control of bleeding through direct pressure.
3. Stabilization of lower extremity/pelvic fractures through
The PASG as a semi rigid splint.
Our pneumatic anti-shock garment distinguish Common style and Full leg style. Full leg style is our new product.
· Easy Access to Femoral Site
· Modular Construction
· Nylon Water Repellent Restraint Cover
· Automatic Relief Valve
· Inflation/Deflation Valves
· Replaceable Air Chambers
· Field Maintainable
· Carrying Case and Pump Included
· Applied in 60 Seconds
· Optional Pressure Monitoring Assembly Available
· Common style with easy Velcro closures and Full leg style with quick zipper.
· Four sponge handle straps to transfer patient easily.
Anti shock trousers Emergency medicine A garment-like device placed around a Pt's legs and
Abdomen 2 separate chambers and inflated to provide emergency treatment of shock until more definitive
Therapy eg, volume replacement, transfusion, or surgery can be performed Indications Shock with BP < 80 mm Hg,
Or 80 90 mm Hg if evidence of hypoperfusion; Splinting of pelvic and femoral fractures; Tamponade of suspected
Intra-abdominal hemorrhage eg, from a ruptured or leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm; As an adjunct to CPR in Pts with cardiac arrest.