Product Description
MY-F033 medical hospital obstetrics and gynecology department female pelvic floor rehabilitation machine

"Professional pelvic floor functional assessment makes integration of diagnosand treatment in the ward realized Convenient communication between doctor and patient made possible bysetting voice, text and graphic prompters during evaluation to mark keyinformation Simultaneous operation of pelvic floor training and abdominal trainingenabled through dual-channel design Multiple Treatment Modes Connecta ble to the hospital/clinic rehabilitation management software toconduct large scale data analysis and remote management
Anorectal Department: Constipation, Incontinence, Anorectal pain; Pelvic floor relaxation syndro me; Pelvic floor retardation
syndrome Obstetrics and Gynecology Department:Urinary incontinence; Sexual dysfunction; Postpartum pelvic floor recovery Vaginal pain; Uterine Urology and Andrology Department:
Male sexual dysfunction, Chronic prostatitis; Pelvic spastics syndrome; Urinary incontinence; Prostate pain
Rehabilitation Department:Pelvic floor dysfunction caused by neurogenic damage of bladder and spinal cord"